Anjuman-E-Saifee (Melbourne)

Umoor Deeniyah (Religious Affairs)

The Umoor Deeniyah Committee will help create and maintain a suitable “Imani” environment, by adherence to the tenets of Islam.

This Umoor will encompass the following responsibilities:

  • Ashara Mubaraka Ohbat / Ashara Mubaraka Tafheem, Leave applications for schools and work, Ohbat Majalis
  • Tazyeen
  • Shariat Pabandi Programmes, Targheeb, Tafheem
  • Namaz Hazri, etc
  • Rusumaat related programmes
  • TNC Programmes
  • Tajheez Takfeen
  • Awliyaullah (AS) Ziyarat – Tafheem, Arrangements
  • Maintaining “Imani Mahol”







Co-ordinator:M Aamir bhai Baghdadwala

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